Hello hello! I’m Tessa, formerly known as London Paleo Girl on social media, where I started blogging about food, fitness & sharing my journey of holistic wellness which continues to this day. With a little more experience and life lessons learnt, oh and a few additions of Colin my sausage dog, Clara my little girl and my husband Adam.
From a very young age I have always loved food and eating out, my passion for the industry grew when I represented my school for national cookery competitions, which lead me on to studying Hospitality Management at university. Since that time I have been fortunate to work alongside celebrity chefs and within high-profile venues. However, my love of healthy living, eating and fitness accelerated from the beginning of 2010 when I was forced to prioritise my health.
In my final year of university I developed glandular fever which knocked me for 6, I was then diagnosed with mild Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME). The more research I did into lifestyle and diets, the sooner I discovered that yo-yo diets, low fat and high sugar, excessive exercise, insufficient sleep and being gluten intolerant, were the reasons I was left with a distressed immune system and very little energy.
I realised that dieting or a ‘quick fix’ was not the solution and a serious lifestyle change was required to recover, with food being one of the most powerful tools in achieving this. “You are what you eat” and I do believe food is the biggest medicine, not only in treating the problem but in prevention too.
After making positive lasting changes to my diet and lifestyle I am focused, alert, less bloated, sluggish and have energy to do everything I want to do, and best of all my immune system is stronger than ever. I believe (as cliché as it sounds) life is about living to the full, doing everything you want to do and most importantly being happy and healthy inside out.
In 2019 I became pregnant with my daughter Clara, who after being breach during the latter stages of pregnancy was born via cesearean section in January 2020. A truly life changing and special moment.
I hope to share my journey of motherhood with you all. Not just the good times but the harder times too, and show people that you are not alone on the rollercoaster that is parenthood!

As much as the best title I have ever been given is ‘Mummy’ I am very passionate about my career. Before I had Clara & we went into a global pandemic , one of the brands I founded was Co Fro; a vegan soft serve that I had retailed with Ocado, in Planet Organic & pop up stores around London. In addition to other special events, we were the chosen refreshment for beauty brand Bobbi Browns celebrating 25 years, this was in particular a very special occasion to be involved in.
I also was co founder of ‘Two Influence’ London’s brand influence and communications agency, with a wonderful clientel working with global brands such as Itsu, Pukka herbs & Puma. I have been extremely fortunate to continue my passion working alongside some of my favourite brands as a content creator on my instagram account @mrstessakelly. I am extremely passionate about the brands I get to work with as if they were my own.
If you’ve followed me for a while on Instagram you will see I start every day with 2 quotes, usually things I wish I had seen in passed times of difficulty, I hope my website & social media pages are places of positivity, support & encourage you to live your best life too!
Lots of love,
Tessa x